The Holocaust Historiography Project

Arthur R. Butz archive

The Hoax of the Twentieth Century


In the present book frequent reference is made to documents used in war crimes trials. There are many ways to get copies. One source that will work but may not be the simplest, fastest or least expensive is found at

which is a general guide to all such materials. For example, the documents for Case XI (Wilhelmstrasse case) are indexed at

which tells us the Steengracht defense documents are in the National Archives record group 238, microfilms 115, 116 and 133.

However there is a good chance that a simpler and less costly procedure will work for a researcher who has the services of a good inter-library loan department. For example I used the ILL department at the library of Northwestern University. Typically, they got documents for me in about two days, from an archive quartered near the University of Chicago. That was during the 1970s, and I am writing this in August 2014.

The following list contains the works cited throughout this book.

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