The Holocaust Historiography Project

Arthur R. Butz archive

Revisionist publications

The Hoax of the Twentieth Century

The book The Hoax of the Twentieth Century: The Case Against the Presumed Extermination of European Jewry, by Arthur R. Butz (1976), is now back in print in a new and moderately revised edition available from Theses and Dissertations Press, whose address is given below. In Britain, it is available from Castle Hill Publishers, whose address is also given below.

Earlier editions are held by many libraries. The book in its present form is available for download in pdf and html formats, and can be printed out if your printer is up to a 500 page job. The pdf is a 13.9 MB file that may take about 50 min. to download with a 56 kb modem.

Those familiar with earlier printings of the book will find a new Foreword for the year 2003, and a substantially revised Appendix A (Gerstein). There are now five supplements at the end rather than three.

La traduction française est parue en 2002 sous le titre suivant: La Mystification du vingtième siècle. Le volume est disponible à l'adresse suivante:

Nuovo Ordine Europeo
Via dei Navali, 35
34144 Trieste

Le contenu de cet ouvrage est aussi disponible en version PDF téléchargeable gratuitement, ici, mais ne comporte malheureusement pas les photos et les illustrations.

Die deutsche Übersetzung mit dem Titel Der Jahrhundertbetrug kann als fünfteiliges Dokument in PDF-Format heruntergeladen werden hierbei. Daneben ist es als Buch erhältlich bei den unten angegebenen Adresse für Castle Hill Publishers.

A journal of Holocaust revisionism has been The Revisionist. Since the editor Germar Rudolf was deported in November 2005, it has not been clear whether or not it will continue. Theses and Dissertations Press will have further information.

Castle Hill Publishers
PO Box 118
Hastings, TN34 3ZQ, UK
Tel: 0044 1825 764707
Fax: 0044 1825 764253
USA/Rest of the World:
Theses and Dissertations Press
Westover Bldg., Suite 1711
253 West 72nd street
New York, NY 10023, USA
Tel: ++1 (212) 787-7891

Last modification: 28 December 2005.

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